Monday, May 24, 2010

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!!!

I have finished Gurren Lagann the other week. Thank you ban for getting started and emilt for reminding him to remind him of it.
I am now started on the anime Fate/ Stay Night. I also have begun my RP's again and have one in the ploting, i'll pm you more if ya want Midnight (she knows who she is haha)
Anyway i g2g to bed grr, so remember Reject common sence to mka ethe impossable possable for that is Team Dai-Gurrens way!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

well well Mr. Freedman

Well, as leland says it is true i do fill a bikini better than the girls haha =P
and well i beat portal in just over two hours, and started half life 2, not too bad, story is confising but interesting.
Need to start the notes and crap for the avatar fan fic now i have peoples names figured out and a basic story plot thought up. if any of you wanna know more and wanna help please feel free to ask at school, on aim or on a comment here
so anyway i', watching live free die hard, love this movie haha
and i can't wait for august i shoul be off crutches by then so i should be able to hang with my friends =)

Quote of the day:
""Remember, Apeture scinense bring yout daughter to work day, is the perfect time to have her tested." GLaDoS in Portal, don't know which chamber tho...haha

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


*Looks around for viruses....* good little bastards...*puts away shotgun*
ok those of you who i know in life and at school know i am planning an Avatar: The last airbender fanfic. The names and bending goes as this so far
Emily is Kylie and is a water bender
Jessica is unknown and a water bender
leland is Keeyo and is also a fraking water bender..but in the souther tribe so haha
cam is Kuzon (yes thats a character in the show he's named after him) and a fire bender
i am Yobi and an earthbender
the avatar is yet to be named but starts as an eartjh bender (since the avatar starting element goes in a cycle, it is two generations past thus an earth bender.)
nathan (a friend of mine) is air cept hes old and a baddass
Amir is the evil air bender who joins with the new black lotus order (obvious the evil opisate version of the white lotus order)
and Matt is the evil prince who starts the black lotus order his uncle started and soon becomes its new leader
and thats it so far for people we know..oh and Brandon is a mischivieous Lemur who is also perverted haha

well..thats all folks

Quote of the day:
Sokka: Have i ever told you how sweet it is you created metalbending?
Toph: you could care to mention it more often

Friday, May 7, 2010

Best Friday EVER!!! far haha plan for today went liek this: Get through teh school day happy and excited to go to lelands. Go to lelands and play some chess quiet and knowlegable. Then portal an iintense puzzle fps...amziong i know. The n maybe just hang out and then go home and play halo or some junk (darn you leland and your habits)
Thsi is how it actially went. I wa shappy ajd day was moving fast. By lunch i felt like killing some people...a few friends were just pissing me off and i heard emily was coming first i was WTF...but then i remembered that emily is nice and fiunny and ya knwo...a good person and shes a perv so that just adds to te win!. So i was ok..but still mad at some other friends, and went throught the day kinda pissed. When we finally got to lelands we had some frozen yogart YUM!. then played chess beat leland in like 6 moves awesome sauce. then he beat me cause emilt kept stealing pieces >.< but anyway after an hour to load i played some portal all thanks to the help of emily (Thank you Giggles!) and saw leland beat the intense last level in like 20 minutes and sorta sung the theme, then we played in the water hose out side until lke eight. and now i'ma wear my hair back every day ion the summer =) And now i'm going to edit sabrinas semi yoai..sigh haha but its a piece of literature so haha.
So yeah i'm going to get the new green white magic deck haha TOTEM POWER! haha then next friday may be more awesome..ima get portal yeah two awesome weekends in a row.
Random Quote of the day: "Look up!" NO down" "No that way" No shoot, no not there there" No now tyhat way go go go ah ya missed it!" Blarg" Leland and emilt yelling at me while playing portal *innocent smile*

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The War is upon us...

His horse is known as Ruin. he is the red horseman of red. War. Next is the black horseman...Famine. Then omes Pesilence and sickness. They are dead. Finally comes the white horseman. The last thing man can face....death.
Watchin supernatural thats what i'mm getting it off of haha.
Tmorrow is Portal day with leland can't wait.
Beast Jessany at chess twice =) today so yeah. Not much else to post cept i may be setting up a vote on which of themany story ideas to work on for the ever long i feel like writing story iea haha.
Quote ofthe Day- Chase-"Get the hell away from me.!" Me- "F**k you this is America!" =)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wanna know about my day today? well to bad i don't feel like ranting

So here are some poems i've done =)
The Warrior
I stood
The lush green meadow surrounds me
My heart pounds in my chest
As my enemy encloses around me
I draw my sword,
A katana
They grin simultaneously
Unveiling there weapons
I close my eyes,
I opening my mind,
I can sense them coming,
I duck,
And slash….he is down, four more
I reflect an attack at my arm, and pierce his chest,
Two down
They charge, I spin
One left,
Grief spreads inside me
He is my brother,
We charge
As I hesitate, he does not…
And in the end
Only one is left,
Not my brother,
Not me,
But death,
He is all that remains.
They say,
United We Stand,
Divided We Fall.
Then Fall I Shall,
For I Stand Divided,
Divided From The Majority,
I am My Own Group,
I Think On My Own,
And Don’t Need To Do What Is “Popular” To Be
Because Being Divided Makes Me Unique,
Therefore I Am
Heart Reborn
Of past misfortune
Over my darkened heart.
Of friends past
Stab, and strike
My burnt heart
Shines, brightening, and giving life
To my golden heart
Door to my Heart
My hearts door was open
Filling it with the emotions
That come with pain,
and even guilt
The lies boiled over
Fueled by the heat of anger
The darkness of misery and hate
Faded and the guilt subsided
The pain gone
My heart
Full of light once more
Fueled by your smile
The emotions of happiness and a calm peace filled
Such a heart as mine
The door to my heart was
Closed and locked,
The key
Given to you
The gatekeeper of my heart
Feel of Love
Fingers touch
Static shocks
Blood flows
Heart beats,
I feel it
Your nervousness
Flows into me
We cuddle
I feel it
Your heart
In rhythm with mine
I feel it
The feel of love
That can never
Ever be forgotten
First Kiss
We hug
Our arms tighten
In our loving embrace
Our lips touch
Our First Kiss complete
 The Sky
The Clouds gather
The Storms Provoke
The Rains Downpour
The Lightning Strike
The Mist Blinds
The Sun Shines
The Sky Binds
The Lines
Rings Gather
Flames ignite
Boxes muster
Battle Tonight
The Guardians Unite
The Sky is strong
The Life of My Heart
Lips curled, cheeks red
Eyes sparkling with joy
I had found her
Held her and cared for her
Would have given my life for her
The black night gripped me and pulled me down
That day she said goodbye
Left for dead, heart shattered and blackened
The red hot hate left me blind.
I stood alone, in a dark corridor, black as my heart
I walk along the cold stone floor, blind even from blackness as red hate burned my vision
As the flame faded, embers left to seethe and hiss
The dim light of a friend, one I had never met, but knew so well
A light, now bright warmed the stone floors, my heart white, and hot as the sun
The blackness has faded, shadows left behind.
I stand waiting and waiting, and waiting for her
My bright heart, casting shadows across my soul
As the shadows return, I am left behind
My heart shattered, broken and black again
I scream
I refuse to be lost
I continue on to the light
And chase away the shadows
As my heart of white keeps the demons away
I continue to wait
Awaiting her return, my heart open for her
For her to stay
Inside this Heart ‘O mine.
Once Again
The cold steelit pierces my heart
I wait for the blood to spill
It comes not
The blade is an emotional one
The pain is real
My heart is torn
Once again.
Once again
I am alone (( Hope you enjoyed them))

Monday, May 3, 2010

Well....that was entertaining....

In the words of my friend leland...That was entertaining. Last night kinda made my day suck alot less. I had to walk around a store for like 2 hours. But when we got hom i got to add a few cards to some of my Magic decks and made a black one mwuhahahaha!
Anyway after getting on this here crappy computer of mine i saw leland was on AIM and talked to him then this little chat room comes up and i join. No idea who most of them were. Then it turns out to be [pretty much all my other friends. Whish they would have told me they know my AIM =)
then one of there old friends that i hade the plessure of meeting at last years Sugoi came on.
So apparently since i freak out and cry when she yells, and since i warned leland not to hug her, i understand her, and did it quickly. Yay me!
Any way I don't wanna go to school...i liked actually doing something this weekend and nowi have to go study and stuff. Oh well, at least my sore throat is gone

Quote of the day: "...*sigh*...I quit"- Emilyy (also known as Giggle) while playing Portal and talking to us on chat. She was on like level 7 tho so its not like she was on level one =)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How to Train your...Leland!!

ok beside the name of the post, i went with Le;and, Jess, Cam and Amir to see How to train your dragon. Besides being a kid movie, and in 3D (which i don't care for) it was a really good movie. i encourage you to see it its also a good moving for teching younger kids good morals.
Well before that i was at lelands and got the chance to play Portal for PC...Holy *insert cuss word here* it was EPIC!!!!
I even understood the concept of the portal and how it wokred, which took jess and emily longer haha. I can't wait till i can go over again to play it.
On my last note, i can't wait for next weekend cause i'm saving up my money to buy a new Rise of Eldrazi structure deck for magic the gathering. That reminds me i need to get the headset and card to Brandon...haha

Quote of the day:
" Hey you guys wanna go check out the Sumo SLammers movie. theres a showing just a couple blocks away." Ben
"You are either the bravest man, or the stupidest." Kevin This is after Ben embarrased Jullie at her pro tennis match then wants to leave to see a movie, haha. Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode two: Dumped.