Monday, September 16, 2013

Vanguard Championship Qualifier- Chicago 2013 Battle Report!

Well even though i was the first of my group of friends to get into the newest children's card game Vanguard i played more then a handful of local tournaments i was able to go into my first professional tournament for this game perfectly calm and still yet i tingled with excitement.

I ended up going 3-2 but considering this was my first tournament of this size (for vanguard anyway) and since all my other team, except for Christian and Tim, ended up scrubbing out round 2 or 3 i'm happy and 100% satisfied about how i did and how i played.

My decklist was nothing original, it was infact a clone of brandon's which despite his early knock out it still served me well. I ended up naming my deck 007 Cookie of Solace (since the card no. for a couple cards were bt01/007 and what not)

Starter- Little Witch, lulu
4x Battle Sister, Ginger (crit)
4x Psychic Bird (crit)
3x Oracle Guardian, Nike (crit)
1x Victory Maker (draw)
4x Lozenge magus (heal)

Grade 1's
1x Battle Sister, Cocoa
3x Battle Sister, Omelet
3x Battle Sister, Cream
4x Battle Sister, Chocolat (Perfect Guard)
4x Oracle Guardian, Gemini

Grade 2's
4x Battle Sister, Tarte
3x Battle Sister, Mocha
2x Battle Sister, Macaron
2x Silent Tom

Grade 3's
4x Scarlet Witch, Coco
3x Battle Sister, Cookie

Round 1 Win against Prisms
If there were any nerves or worries going through my body, they left as a grin on the inside took their place as I got my opening hand. I had everything i needed to ride and put on early pressure without giving up a hand and got early triggers to guard with. Even if i did get to 4 or 5 damage i had everything in hand as i had my full field, Cookie vanguard boosted by cream, mocha and lulu on the right tom and gemini on the left. my opponent took the lost well and we even played a quick fun game before the next round (which i won no prob just as i had before)

Round 2 Win against Platina Ezel
Before the tournament, since i hadn't had a lot of practice against different decks i thought that i should always go for rear guards for Paladins, but thankfully I asked my Teammates who all warned me that with Gold paladins i shouldn't bother. So I got my opponent to 3 damage then as soon as i had my units i rushed him and won by turn 5 or 6 since he couldn't keep up with my aggro to his vanguard rather then wasting attacks on his easily defender or replaced rear guards, as well as my constant hand advantage. Thus i realized my teammate Zach the night before told me Golds bad match up was OTT (my deck)

Round 3 Win against Majesty Lord Blaster
I have faced this deck before on a few occasions, all of which my opponent were able to pull of MLB's effect and hit me very hard and really push my limits. Thus i played this match safe while trying to hold on  to what i would need to rush the heck out of him. Then after a good assault on turn 4 i realized he had only gotten blaster blade but no blaster dark and only had 3 or 4 cards in hand, one of which was a perfect guard but i was able to get a double crit onto mocha (as well as a tarte/ gemini column) and won turn 5

Round 4 Loss against Megacolony (Stag)
My first match ever against Mega colony is a loss. Not a bad loss mind you, it was fun. My opponent was the nicest guy who willingly explained any cards i did not know (which were all of them.)
 During what i considered to be my biggest misplay of the tournament, my opponent does what megacolony does and it keeps my mocha and silent tom from standing next turn, so when he attacked i instantly sent tom and mocha and thena  10k guard from hand to the guard circle for a two pass which he hits  no triggers. By the end of his turn i still have my cookie, a 10k a booster and draw into perfect guard. Thus i could have used the 10k instead of tom and mocha, granted they would be useless that turn i still believe i could have used one or the other for just enough pressure to win. But the game ended with him at 5 damage so i am still happy to have put up a fight. theg uy was even reassuring my the guard with tom and mocha was the right choice considering what had happened. But i guess i'll never know.

Round 5 Loss against Prism
My opponent started the match with explaining he was a douche who would rule shark if needed, not knowing what to think i just said OK, and went on playing as smart as i could. When i realized he was using prisms i had high hopes considering my first victory was against roughly the same deck. Yet, luck was not on my side as he continues to use the effects and get of the break ride and develop the hand advantage. However souless OTT would not be what it is if i had not put up one hell of a fight. I had both Tom and mocha out for the last 2 turns, we were both running low on hand and both at 5 damage. I was able to heal on my last attack. So as i passed turn i knew i could win next turn, so long as  i survived. But he was able to pump out the magic numbers and a  crit to secure it, so with no heals i lost my final match, and my opponent took a huge sigh of relief then proceeded to tell his friend how worried he had been and how close it had gotten.
We shook hands and despite the loss, thus my exit from the tournament, I was just happy to have fought so hard and thus had fun which in the end is all that counts.

On a side note i learned how to play weiss schwarz and with the help of Will was able to put together a cool mono green madoka beat deck. I also got a hold of stuff for my Lawkeeper deck which is turning out to be major fun.
So thank you Brandon for letting me net deck off of you. Thank you to Will for helping me with Weiss. Thanks to Alex for putting up with 5 guys this weekend. Thanks to Zach for driving, as well as a thank you to Tim for joining me and in being fluffy POWERMANGAMERS! (Sword grow longer!)
See you all next year!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Holy Cow!

So my mom got a free nights stay at the casino an hour or so south of here,a dn she went with my aunt. She called today saying she was gonna stay another night, so is she comes home tomorrow and doesn't stay a third night, she still won't be home till evening. And since i have the day off, i can like...enjoy my day xD

Anyway, i have thankfully gotten so and so out of my head. Yet one still remains. I haven't seen her in awhile either since she started school. =/  But thats ok cause if i can i'd rather focus on saving money and working with leland to find a good apartment for us to move into next summer which is sounding like more and more of a good idea everytime i bump into something in myc smallass room >.<

So i've been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening a bunch over the past week or so. It is really addicting. But the xp/ level grinding can get annoying. But it will make the endgame much easier xD

Also if you enjoy rock music i'd suggest the band Icon for Hire i have to listen to at least like 3 of their songs everyday before bed.

Oh also i'll be heading to chicago next weekend for Cardfight Vanguard regionals. Which should be fun, i'll be spending the weekend with a lot of strangers but Brandon will be there so i won't be all alone xD

Well it's going on 130am, i'm a bit hungry but if i go to bed soon i can maybe get up before 12 and like do stuff tomorrow....i'll let you know how that goes =P