Monday, December 22, 2014


I am very excited for christmas, even though Gab isn't feeling that well i pray she gets better by thursday cause i really want her to meet my family. But if she isn't then ill just hand out at her place most of the day then xD. I can't wait for her to see what i got her. And her parents too. i got them each something but they don't know that yet. Then the other day it dawned on me, im gonna get stuff too. I was literally so excited about giving presents it never crossed my mind to be excited about getting something. Thats the christmas spirit at work i guess. any way two more days of work then hopefully mom doesnt decide to be a poop and lets me stay the night at gabs, her dad works on christmas, real early so they offered me to stay over on eve so i could get up with them. If i can't stay ove rthen ill just get up at o dark thirty and drive over xD
ya know with 4 hours of sleep and possible icy roads...thanks Mom xD