Monday, May 3, 2010

Well....that was entertaining....

In the words of my friend leland...That was entertaining. Last night kinda made my day suck alot less. I had to walk around a store for like 2 hours. But when we got hom i got to add a few cards to some of my Magic decks and made a black one mwuhahahaha!
Anyway after getting on this here crappy computer of mine i saw leland was on AIM and talked to him then this little chat room comes up and i join. No idea who most of them were. Then it turns out to be [pretty much all my other friends. Whish they would have told me they know my AIM =)
then one of there old friends that i hade the plessure of meeting at last years Sugoi came on.
So apparently since i freak out and cry when she yells, and since i warned leland not to hug her, i understand her, and did it quickly. Yay me!
Any way I don't wanna go to school...i liked actually doing something this weekend and nowi have to go study and stuff. Oh well, at least my sore throat is gone

Quote of the day: "...*sigh*...I quit"- Emilyy (also known as Giggle) while playing Portal and talking to us on chat. She was on like level 7 tho so its not like she was on level one =)