Wednesday, May 12, 2010


*Looks around for viruses....* good little bastards...*puts away shotgun*
ok those of you who i know in life and at school know i am planning an Avatar: The last airbender fanfic. The names and bending goes as this so far
Emily is Kylie and is a water bender
Jessica is unknown and a water bender
leland is Keeyo and is also a fraking water bender..but in the souther tribe so haha
cam is Kuzon (yes thats a character in the show he's named after him) and a fire bender
i am Yobi and an earthbender
the avatar is yet to be named but starts as an eartjh bender (since the avatar starting element goes in a cycle, it is two generations past thus an earth bender.)
nathan (a friend of mine) is air cept hes old and a baddass
Amir is the evil air bender who joins with the new black lotus order (obvious the evil opisate version of the white lotus order)
and Matt is the evil prince who starts the black lotus order his uncle started and soon becomes its new leader
and thats it so far for people we know..oh and Brandon is a mischivieous Lemur who is also perverted haha

well..thats all folks

Quote of the day:
Sokka: Have i ever told you how sweet it is you created metalbending?
Toph: you could care to mention it more often