well good job lee.Sinc eyou made such a wondeful post i decided to make onetoo lol. Welll i just got home and am now eating some ok chicken strips mom made. Well anyway i finnally got an emailback from a friend, and while some part of me was sad, i undertsand what she was saying and i felt good this morning, it just went down hill tho. I don't know what it is but i keep getting sad. Or heck mayb i know what it is but don't wanna adit it...>.>
well i hope to go to Mr. Skill'shouse this weeend to play Reach, since i won't get it till next month. Should be epic. I beat KH2 on standrd last night, i know i know not a big accompishment but hey. Hm what else what else...
Oh i cannot hang out on weekdays now...yeah it sucks. And my mom will barely let me d anything on the weekends. Saying i always wanna go somewhere. Well duh! i don't get to do anything on weekdays what the heck does she excpect!.....also my mind keeps jumping to conclusions and making assumptions that i would iketo appen butin the end would ruin friendships etc. so blarg!
If you really wanna know about that just message me and i can explain, though most already know about. Anyway i still have A's and B's for how long? idk. oh also its fun messing with my dog =)
quote of the day:
"Hey casey!" *turns around to see hand in face* "HALO REACH!"
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