Saturday, August 14, 2010

It time to D-d-d-d-duel!!

Yep tomorrows the small yugioh tournament at bell book and comics. Lelands dad is taking me and him there after church. I powered up my Gemini deck to use and Leland is using his battery man deck. I can't wait. He was allowed on tonight for homework and so we talked about that and other things.
Oh and i also think EMILY need to get on here and make some more blog posts, little miss procrastinator! =P

Well i am very close to finishing Jason Storms template for my nanowrimo story, and have beguin a few of the other characters.

Well my For whom the bell tolls rp, based on the midnighters series and the song by metallica is off to a very good start. i just need a few more darklings and asign a darkling king and were done. I also put up the idea for a zombieland rp, hope people like it. Anyway for those asking where i rp, not that anyone asks but ya know i go to
please stop by and take a look, maybe join, name in Son of Chaos

Ok any one going to do nanowrimo?? For those people who are like WHA!! its short for national novel writing month, which is in November. From nov 1 -30th you have those thirty days to write a novel of at least 500 thousand words, its hard unless you get started on plots early, but you can't write actual story until nov 1st. I still need a name for my story, for those interested drop em a comment and i can explain some of the plot to you if ya wanna help me with a title or wanna read it later in November. Which will also be posted on the rping site mentioned above.

Random Quote of the day:
"Boobs are a bonus that come and go." - Person not wishing to be mentioned.

1 comment:

  1. Go to scheameurs cards and comics on Sundays, tell him i sent. Way better than bell book. Saturday too. Bell book is full fo cheats, liars, and theifs.
