Sunday, June 22, 2014

For the Greater Good, again!

Heeres an updated tau army list cause i can, and to keep track, also i finished season two of buffy the vampire slayer, man i love netflix.

Tau Army List  2000 (yeah exactly! Suck on that GW!)
HQ: Farsight Enclave 724
Farsight 165
7 body guards without bonding knives 224
Addons    300
Misslpod x6 90
Plasma rifles x6 90
Dual Flamers 10
OGNAER gauntlet 5
Multi spectrum and command and control node 35
Stimulant injectorsx7 105

Troops: Devils Troops 654
3x12 Fire team w/ bonding knives  360
3 devilfish  258
Addon 18
Blacksun 3
Sensor 15


Fast Attack:  308
Sunshark Bomber  168
Twin linked misslepods 5
Decoy launchers 3
2x5 markerlight drones  140

Heavy support:  314
2 hammerheads 314
Disruption pods  30
Two seekers each  32
Blacksun on both 2

Monday, June 2, 2014


So over the past couple weeks i've been saving up for a Playstation 4. Putting 100 then 125 on gamestop gift cards, with 4x fuel points at kroger ill have plenty to help dim the higher prices (for now.) This Thursday ill put the final 200 on a gift card. My mom will be leaving for the weekend to my aunts so ill have some peace and quiet. So, that night ill gather up and store away my 360, to make room, as well as gather up all my 360 games except for my favorites and take them to gamestop or epic loot maybe (yeah they are started a video game store, me and nathan applied, wish usz luck,)
Then friday morning im going to run my 100+ coin jar to work and put it on a game stop gift card via coinstar (no tax or fee is taking out when you do this) so ill have enough to grab enough playstation store money to get transistor, a warframe and some weapons in warframe, then a little left over to put down some preorders.

SO yeah Leland and Nathan will hopefully join me (along with Cody who is looking for a new game to play on his PS4) will join me for a weekend of warframe.

At the same time im going Friday night to with my Dad to reflections, my brother restaruant (the only downside is that its an hour away =/ but with out mom complaining the whole way it should be fun, then we'll run out saturday to the air force museum (ive never been) so yeah. then after some food on the way back i might go clubbing with shawn and a few girls from work, so yeah this weekend is going to be busy as hell. But fun.

Ill post later about how the weekend went as well as my thoughts on the PS4 as i go.

Oh also, in the spirit of writing im going to do a superhero, written roleplay with some people with church, who are going to help me and Lazarus with another project, the roleplay has nothing to do with the other project but it will help us all get better at writing and have fun together.

Oh and because i can heres a small list of artists ive been listening too abunch lately
Icon for Hire
Twenty One Pilots
Imagine Dragons